Torn Between Two Alphas: Howls Romance Page 11
He nodded. “Yup. They have envoy wolves who are somewhat used to mixing with the public, but there are also red wolves and grey wolves that most people don’t get to interact with. We will.”
“You must be a hefty donor, then.”
“I am, but that’s not the reason why. Did you ever notice when you’re at the zoo, or even out in the woods, that animals approach you when most ordinarily wouldn’t?”
“At the zoo, yes, but Manhattan isn’t exactly a wilderness. Well, it’s a concrete one, but you know what I mean.”
“Even in Central Park. In the Rambles. Have you noticed when jogging that you experience more wildlife?”
She laughed out loud. “Jogging? Dude, I am a proverbial slug. I subsist on sugar and caffeine.”
“Well, nature girl. We’ll have to change all that starting today.”
“Unga Bunga.”
The landscape went from dirty snow and urban decay, to snow-globe pure, as the miles passed. Winding roads lined with meadows and deep forest spread out ahead as they drove. Farm country and orchards, all blanketed with new snow.
“Who would have thought all this existed two hours outside Gotham. It’s a cliché, but it fits. This is picture postcard.”
“I’m glad you like it.”
Nick slowed down on the rural road, finally flicking the turn signal into what looked like an entrance to a farm.
“Is this it?” Mikki craned see the spread. “It looks like a rundown ranch.”
“Don’t let the modest frontage fool you. The Conservancy is huge, but it’s not-for-profit so they don’t waste money on fancies. Every penny goes to the wolves for research, advocacy and education.”
She didn’t reply. The breadth of the place took her by surprise as they pulled toward the inside buildings. Nick pulled into a space outside a small log cottage where a guy dressed like a bundled-up park ranger waved from the porch.
Nick got out of the car first, walking around to Mikki’s side. “Careful, it’s icy.” He held her hand as she stepped from the car.
“Nick! So glad you could make it. We had one hell of a storm last night, I thought for sure you’d cancel.”
“Good to see you, Mike.” Nick took the man’s hand. “It may have stormed here, but in the city we had nothing but wind and cold.”
“That wind was no joke. I went ice skating at Rockefeller Center and froze my buns.”
Both men turned. “Mike Pell, this is Mikki—” Nick offered, hesitating.
“Townsend.” Mikki smiled. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Pell.”
“Please, call me Mike. We don’t stand on formalities here. Too much work to be done.”
“Mike runs this Lupine paradise. In fact, I think he’s starting look a little like his four-legged friends.” Nick gave a chin pop toward the man’s long, scruffy hair.
“That’s funny, coming from you, Stanton. Listen, we’ve got you two set. If you’ll follow me, I’ll take you through so you can greet the envoy pack.” He nodded toward Mikki. “There are protocols to follow, but if you’re anything like Nick, and I sense you are, you’ll have no problem with Cinder, Thor or Lobo. They’re litter-mates, but Lobo is the eldest and he’s our alpha male.”
“Sounds very formal,” Mikki replied.
Mike shrugged. “Not any more so than in the wild. There’s definitely a pecking order, but these wolves are as good as gold. Lobo is one of Nick’s favorites, and one of his adoptees.”
“Patrons can sponsor a pack or even adopt a wolf, metaphorically. Over the years, Nick has adopted half the wolves in residence. I believe you can tell a lot about a person by the way they treat animals.” Mike nodded. “If you ask me, Nick Stanton is good people.”
An admiring smirk tugged at Mikki’s lips. “I’m starting to get that about him, too.”
Nick rolled his eyes. “You’re going to embarrass me into putting a stop payment on my last check.”
“Ha. Too late, buddy. I deposited that sucker three days ago. Besides, you know we appreciate everything you do for us.”
“Glad to do so. We can talk more about how great I am when we’re in the jeep. I’d like to get settled so we don’t miss the twilight howl. This time of year, it gets dark early.”
“Dark? I thought you said we were going to have lunch and see the wolves.” Mikki looked between the two men.”
“You are,” Mike replied. “Al fresco.”
Chapter Fourteen
“Boy, Mike wasn’t kidding when he said we were eating al fresco. What he didn’t say was how much it would resemble camping.” Mikki put her hands up to the campfire outside the open tent.
“There are no permanent shelters inside the preserve. Every inch of free-range acreage is wolf territory. They run together, hunt together, play, mate and live the same way they would in the wild. The breeding program has brought hope to some of the more endangered species.”
Mikki pulled her blanket closer. “So this is their turf.”
“And they won’t feel threatened that we’re here?”
Nick picked up two split logs and tossed them into the fire. Sparks rose, glimmering in the waning winter sun.
“I doubt it. They’re used to me. Plus, you’re a shifter, so they might be curious, but they won’t be threatened. They’ll sense your inner animal.”
She chuckled nervously. “Great. There’s a reason behind the saying, fight like dogs and cats. The two species aren’t natural BFFs.”
“Stop worrying. I would never let anything happen to you.”
He poked at the fire, stirring up the flame, when she caught his eye. The man meant what he said. Everything about his scent told her what you saw was what you got when it came to Nick Stanton.
Funny. She had no clue about his last name, the same way he didn’t know hers. Of course, they did now, but… She watched him in the wavering heated air. She didn’t know Eli’s last name either. Which was worse, considering what she let him do.
“How about something to eat? Mike had his staff pack us a picnic basket full of goodies. We really do need to eat and clear up before the sun sets.” He glanced toward the woods, and Mikki saw his nostrils flare slightly.
“They’re watching us, aren’t they?”
He nodded, gesturing ever so slightly with his head. “Eleven o’clock. In the low scrub, and up on the rise under tree cover.”
She turned slowly, following his line of sight. Inhaling, she caught a sharp, musky tang.
“Close your eyes, Mikki. Inhale again and taste the scent on the back of your tongue. Once you do that, open your senses. You’ll see and taste the differences from each of the three wolves.”
She did what he said, opening her senses the same way she did when judging deceit in humans. A slow smile spread on her lips.
“Amazing.” She opened her eyes.
“I told you.”
She peered into the wooded shadows, inhaling even deeper. “It’s so clear in my mind. Each scent formed a complete picture of the animal as if they were there in front of me.”
Getting up from his side of the fire, he went into the tent for the picnic basket. He set it down next Mikki, before taking the leveled tree stump beside hers.
“There’s so much I could show you about our kind. It’s not too late to learn or to practice. The Rambles are a perfect place to get in touch with your inner animal. No one bothers us there, and there are more of us than you think.”
They ate in relative silence. Sandwiches, fruit and some wrapped slices of carrot cake with cream cheese frosting.
“There are bottles of water, but if you want something hot, there’s a thermos of hot chocolate.” He reached into his pocket and drew out a flask. “And I brought this for a little extra kick.”
He poured two reusable mugs, giving each a healthy drop of whiskey before handing one to Mikki.
“Slainte.” Nick held up his mug.
Mikki did the same, t
ouching the rim of hers to his cup. The hot cocoa was hot and creamy, but the added whiskey felt amazing as it slid down her throat, warming her insides.
Nick packed up what was left of the food and stowed it in the footlocker inside the tent. The sun was setting behind the tree line, casting shadows along the ground.
The sky was a gorgeous mix of gray and purple dusk, and as if that was nature’s cue, a lone howl sounded in the distance. It was followed by a high whine and an answering howl from the opposite direction. Suddenly, a third answered and there was a pregnant pause that made her hold her breath.
“The alphas are calling to each other,” Nick leaned over to whisper. “Lobo first, then the alpha of the Red wolves, and then the Grays. Right now the omegas are following suit, gathering the packs.”
He was so near, if she hadn’t been holding her breath already, it would have caught in her throat. God, he smelled amazing.
A chorus of howls filled the twilight sky, punctuated with yips and whines. It was humbling. Like being an invited voyeur into a secret world.
“Can you tell the difference in the tones and what they mean?” he asked.
“No. I can envision the wolves, and I’m pretty certain I know where they are spatially, but I can’t interpret what they’re communicating.”
“Give me your hands.” Nick held his hands out, palms up.
Mikki hesitated a moment before slipping her hands onto his, watching his eyes as he enfolded her hands in a firm grip.
“Look at me, Mikki. Concentrate on my eyes. Let yourself sink into my gaze. It’s called a shifter mind share. I’m going to let you see what I see. Hear what I hear. It’s a skill that needs to be developed over time, but a skill only shifters can share.”
Wary, she focused on his piercing blue eyes. He held her gaze, and as the seconds passed, their joined hands warmed. Her vision went fuzzy, but she didn’t feel the need to blink.
“Blurred vision is normal, Mikki. Don’t pull away. Your eyes will clear in a moment. You’ll see.”
She held on, even as a dull wave of dizziness crashed. Her mouth went dry, and just when she thought she couldn’t stand it another second, her vision cleared, but she wasn’t seeing with her eyes. She saw what Nick saw. Through his eyes.
She saw the wolves, sitting in the snow. Their heads lifted to the sky and their mouths in perfect howls as they sang to the night.
The cadence of their songs changed, and in it she heard their meaning. Not in words, but in feeling. Gratitude. Allegiance. Unity. Deeper yet was a ribbon of sorrow. These creatures were sentient. They knew what was happening to their kind. Their night cries told the story of their kind…millennia old…and the struggle to survive.
The vision dulled, but just before the connection broke, she caught a glimpse of herself through Nick’s eyes. Beautiful, wanted, and somehow linked.
He broke eye contact first, and Mikki’s body slumped.
“You okay?” he asked, holding her hands tight so she didn’t fall over.
She nodded. “Yes, just a little weirded out. That was unbelievable. I had no idea. Beautiful and heart-wrenching at once.” She looked to the woods and then back again. “Do Mike and the people who run the Conservancy know that wolves are sentient? That they know what’s happening around them? To them?”
“Yes. Mike is a shifter as well. Not a wolf, but a bear. He knows full well that most single-natured animals are not the dumb creatures most humans think. That’s why he and the others…me…try to do what we can.”
“It’s funny. I always thought the alphas did everything. Ruled with an iron paw. But the alpha females and the omegas carry the load as well. Pack life is truly a communal affair.”
As if on cue, soft padded steps muffled in the leaves. One by one the envoy wolves emerged from the growing shadows.
Nick let go of Mikki’s hands to greet them. The full moon had risen, casting a silvery glow on the snow, and the ambient light from the firepit warmed their circle to a soft yellow.
The first to approach was a gorgeous white wolf. Majestic, yet smaller than the other two.
“You must be Cinder,” Mikki said, keeping her voice soft despite the urge to squeal.
The wolf came forward, and Nick put out his hand, nodding for Mikki to follow suit.
“Oh my God. She’s so soft!” The wolf bowed her head, letting Mikki run her fingers over her thick, white fur.
Lobo and Thor were next. Their fur was shades of gray, with Lobo’s a deep charcoal, but Thor’s more of an ash color.
They played and yipped, rubbing necks and jumping slightly, enough to make Mikki jerk back laughing.
“They’re like giant puppies,” she chuckled, “with giant, sharp teeth.”
“Why don’t you stand up? Move slowly but give it a try and see what they do.”
Nick’s grin was a little too sure. There was mischief behind his eyes, but she wasn’t about to chicken out. He said he wouldn’t let anything happen to her, and she knew he meant it.
Wiping her hands on her pants, she slowly rose from the tree stump, leaving her blanket behind. No sooner was she on her feet, than Cinder leapt for her chest.
Heavy paws hit her square, knocking the breath from her lungs and her body to the ground. She hit the snow with a muffled thud, as the graceful, but large alpha female licked her face.
“Nick, c’mon!” Mikki scrunched her eyes closed.
“Ugh, she’s giving me a facial with her tongue! Cinder! Off!”
“She may be related, but she’s not a dog, Mikki. She’s not going to respond to sit or stay.”
Mikki giggled as the wolf nuzzled her neck. “You sure she isn’t just tenderizing me for later?” Screwing up her courage, she slowly lifted a hand to pet the wolf’s flanks.
“Lupo—” Nick tossed the alpha a piece of dried jerky. No sooner did the older wolf snap the treat out of the air, than the other two followed as well.
Nick gave them each two more treats, and that was their cue to skulk back toward the shadows and the wide open woods.
“Well, that was amazeballs.” Mikki grinned, moving to sit up, but Nick plopped down on the snowbank beside her, handing her a wet nap to wipe the wolf spit from her face.
“Seeing them. Experiencing them. It never gets old.”
Mikki wiped her face with a quick grimace. “Next time, a heads up would be nice.”
He laughed, touching her cheek. “The look on your face. Priceless.”
He let his fingers linger. “Glad you came?”
“Are you kidding?” Her mouth dropped. “Seeing the wolves alone was worth the price of admission, but that Vulcan mind melt thing you did was incredible! There are no words. It was incommunicably spiritual. Like nothing I’ve—”
Nick kissed her, cutting her off. All cognizance ceased except for the feel of his lips and the taste of him as he deepened their embrace.
Breath mingled in the cold air as he slipped his hand behind her head. “Lucky for us, shifters don’t feel the cold the same way as humans.”
“Is it cold?” she murmured. “I hadn’t noticed.”
“Mikki Townsend, you have no idea how long I’ve wanted to kiss you again.” He brushed her lips once more. “Since the moment you got into the cab at the zoo, I haven’t stopped thinking about you. Fantasizing about you. Wanting you.”
“What about your girlfriend?”
“What girlfriend?”
She cocked her head but didn’t pull away. “The one on your caller I.D.” Watching his face, she inhaled, not caring that he knew she gave him the sniff test.
“She’s history. Since the moment I met you.”
Mikki raised an eyebrow. “Does she know this?”
“More or less.”
“Well, which is it? More or less?”
This was it. All her bravado and inner
sparring, about Nick versus Eli and Eli versus Nick, boiled down to this one moment in time.
“Don’t think, Mikki. Just feel. I know you’re concerned about—”
She pinched his lips together. “Don’t say her name.”
“She’s inconsequential and always has been. A gap filler. Someone I never really liked, but she was there and filled a need. I know that sounds mercenary, but—”
Mercenary. She could say the same about herself. She went out with Eli last night, and now Nick. Her body and mind were off the charts attracted to them both, and they both came with perks.
“Don’t say that. I don’t think you’re mercenary. I’d have sensed it.”
She paused, letting his hand slide from the back of her neck to rest on her arm. Their bodies were still close enough for her to feel his body heat, but she wasn’t about to move for all the tea in China.
“You could easily claim that about me. I mean, I’m the one with the landlord issues, and your lawyer did call, so there you have it.”
Nick let a small grin curl on his lips. “Nice try, but like you, I’d have sensed an ulterior motive a mile away. It’s one of the reasons whatshername is toast.”
“How did your attorney find me? It’s obvious you didn’t know my last name until today when I filled in the blank with Mike.”
“I’m not sure, but I’m not surprised. One thing I do know is Marcus is extraordinarily resourceful. I told him all about you. In fact, I may have told him I was pretty sure you were the one.”
Mikki blinked. “The one what?”
“You know.” Nick lowered his chin, eyeing her. “The one…as in the one for me.”
Okay. Déjà vu much?
Was there a run on mates in the shifter world she didn’t know about?
“Uhm, Nick…”
Now it was his turn to pinch her lips closed. “It’s something I feel, Mikki. I’m not asking if you share those feelings. I know you don’t. Yet. My wolf recognizes you as the one. He has since the moment we kissed at the zoo. You’re inner cat purred, so there has to be something to it, right?”
“I don’t know, Nick. My life is very confusing right now.” Ugh. If he only knew the truth behind that veiled cop-out.