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Torn Between Two Alphas: Howls Romance Page 13

  Mel put her mug down on the counter and pulled her friend into a hug. “Go out with Eli, today. Keep an open mind, but keep your legs closed. Concentrate on him as a man, as a person. Tally that in your head. Do the same the next time you’re out with Nick. Whichever one speaks to you most on a human level, then he’s the one. Forget happily ever after, and just focus on happily for now.”

  “I love you, Carmela.”

  She chuckled, squeezing a little harder. “You’d better, because if we lose the shop, you gain a permanent roommate and you only have one bed.”

  “C’mon.” Mel stepped back but kept Mikki’s hand. “Pour some cream in that tea before it turns to paint thinner, and let’s cuddle up under that extra-large comforter and have a morning movie marathon. Maybe you’ll catch a little sleep before Prince Charming number one gets here.”

  Mikki rolled her eyes, but reached for the cream, just the same. “Do I get to pick the movie?”

  “Nope. I do, and I’m opting for something triangular. Like Twilight New Moon or Casablanca.”

  “One classic and one cheesy.”

  Mel grinned. “Ah, but which is which.”

  “Shut up.”

  “Hey, do you think Bella Swan ever wondered what it would’ve been like to have both Edward and Jake?”

  “I’m not going to get any sleep, am I?”

  Carmela tugged her friend toward the bedroom. “Nope. We are going to run the odds. You, my oldest and dearest, deserve to be happy, and together we’re going to figure out how.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  “You’ve been rather quiet. Is everything okay?” Eli looked across from the driver’s seat. “We’ve been driving for almost four hours and you haven’t said much.”

  “Well, I napped for most of the way. I’m not much of a talker when I’m asleep.” Mikki gave him a close-lipped smile, hoping it was enough.

  At least her exhaustion was real, even if her smile wasn’t. The droning motion of the drive was more potent than the world’s largest sleeping pill. At least she’d get there with him, recharged and regrouped. She hoped.

  Still, she needed to get out of her own head and that was easier said than done. It wasn’t just conflicted feelings. Something was brewing. She couldn’t put her finger on how she knew, but there was a storm on the horizon.

  It’s the breakup vibes you’re giving off.

  There are no breakup vibes.

  Keep telling yourself that

  She ignored her inner voice, instead focusing on the pretty landscape as they drove.

  “What are we towing?” She glanced over her shoulder out the rear window.

  “That’s a surprise.”

  She didn’t like the sound of that, but hey, in for a pound, in for a penny. “I thought you said we were headed to Lake George.”

  “That was just a point of reference. We’re actually going to Hudson Gorge. It’s a little farther west, but I think you’ll love it as much as I do. It’s a place of natural beauty and unspoiled wilderness.”

  Wilderness. Great. You break up with him and he’ll bury your body where no one will find you.

  Shut up.

  “You said this trip had something to do with your family history. Is this where you’re originally from? I mean, before settling in Manhattan.”

  “Yes and no.” He pulled his eyes from the road again, giving her a considered look. “From the moment I stepped into your bookshop, you had me pegged as a wolf shifter. Well, Hudson Gorge is where it all began, for my pack, anyway.

  “The gorge is over twenty-four thousand acres of pristine wilderness. Of course, it has its touristed areas, camping, hiking and fishing, etc., but I’m referring to the areas that are pretty remote. It’s in those areas many dual-natured packs maintain their ancestral roots.”

  “So which are your ancestral lands?”

  He looked at her and shrugged. “That’s where things get muddy.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “My family comes from a long line of alphas.”

  She nodded. “Strong men. I can see that.”

  “That, too,” he grinned, “but I mean alphas as in leader of the pack, the Alpha.”

  “Okay, so are you the alpha now?”

  “That’s where the mud begins.”

  He gripped the steering wheel tighter, and the set to his shoulders was slightly hunched. Clearly, this wasn’t the easy, breezy adventure he claimed when he asked her to join him on this trip.

  Last night revealed a clue behind what Nick held back, and now this was a clue to what was at the heart of Eli’s restraint.

  “So you’re not the alpha.”

  He shrugged, but the motion was plainly practiced. Not in a smarmy kind of way, but more of a try-to-convince-me-it’s-no-big-deal kind of way.

  “It’s complicated, Mikki, and I didn’t bring you up here to get into the minutia of pack politics. I just wanted to show you the land and share a little bit about me. Suffice it to say, there were family members who were less than honorable back in the day, and the pack suffered. They were challenged according to pack law, and they lost the alpha line to our omega.”

  Mikki remembered the feel of the omegas from the Wolf Conservancy, how they acted in concert with both the alpha and the alpha female for the good of the pack.

  “So the pack omega took over. Was that a bad thing? Did the pack suffer more?”

  He shrugged again. “No. To be honest, it was a blessing. But now I have the opportunity to take back my birthright, but it means taking advantage of someone I know, and actually like.” He spared her a glance. “Don’t get me wrong, this guy is decent, and he’s done well for the pack, but he hasn’t followed the elders’ advice or even his own father’s wishes. They gave him an ultimatum, but the clock is running down.”

  They reached the entrance to the preserve and pulled into the main parking lot off the trailheads.

  “So, if this guy is decent and has done well for the pack, why do you want to put the screws to him over someone else’s demands? What does he have to do that makes him so reluctant?”

  Eli cut the engine. “He has to get married.”

  If this was pack life, then no wonder her family picked up, packed up and chose to break all ties.

  “You seem put off.”

  No shit, Sherlock.

  She turned toward him in her seat. “What I think doesn’t matter, Eli. This is your thing, not mine.”

  “It does, actually. At least to me.” He reached for her hand.

  She looked out the windshield at the gorgeous vistas. The mountains were magnificent. Snow-covered and pristine.

  “How wonderful it must have been to roam free in animal form here,” she mused out loud. “Still, I wouldn’t want anyone to force my hand into marriage, regardless of the freedom. It’s too momentous to enter into lightly, especially since it affects more than one person, not to mention possible children.”

  “I agree, but I also want my birthright. So you can see why I’m torn.”

  She nodded. “You’re a decent guy as well, Eli, so maybe you two can figure a way through.”

  They got out of the car in silence. The air was frigid, and their breath puffed out in white clouds.

  “Where to from here?” she asked.

  “If it was spring or summer, I’d say hike.” At the look on her face he had to laugh. “But after seeing you on skates, I think it best if we take this.” He pulled the tow cover off the platform to reveal a huge snowmobile.

  “That? We can use a snowmobile on hiking trails?”

  “This far into winter, yes.” He unstrapped two helmets, handing her one. “Let me back the trailer up to the base trail and unload. It won’t take more than a minute.”

  Eli offloaded the snowmobile like a boss, and then parked the car again.

  He put his helmet on, and straddled the machine, revving the engine. “Hat, gloves, scarf and zip up. This is going to get cold, but it’s worth it.”

  Patting t
he seat behind him, he waited for Mikki to put her helmet on over her hat, before pulling on her gloves.

  “Ready when you are.” She saddled up and held on tight.

  The wind whipped past as Eli zipped over the snow, bobbing and bumping over intermittent drifts. They wound their way over the trails, heading toward a valley between two peaks.

  Eli slowed at an obvious overlook and pulled to the side. Flipping up his visor, he pointed toward a glen surrounded by thick trees. “There. That’s the very edge of pack territory. It spreads way back into areas where no one goes.”

  He revved the engine again, and they took off winding downward toward the spot. When they reached the bottom, he skidded the skis, spraying snow in a white curtain as he pulled to a stop at the edge of the clearing.

  Taking his helmet off, he inhaled the cold, clear air. “God, I’ve missed this.”

  Mikki did the same, taking a sec while Eli was preoccupied to fix her helmet hair and fluff her hat, so she didn’t look too squashed.

  “The first buildings are through those trees. The oldest dates back two hundred years. It’s just a rough hewn log cabin, but it’s the seat of our elders. It’s precious. A few years back, a bunch of us found people partying inside.”

  Her eyebrow flew up. “I hope you didn’t do what I think you did.”

  Grinning, he nodded emphatically. “Oh, hell yes. We went all wolf pack on their asses. They hightailed out so fast it was funny.”

  His eyes grew soft, and a reflective smile tugged at his mouth.


  He shrugged, and this time it wasn’t practiced. “The guy I’ve been telling you about. He was with us when we scared those losers.”

  “Sounds to me like you two were friends.”

  “Not really. It’s tough because of our families’ history and all, but yeah. Under normal circumstances we could have been tight.”

  Leaving their helmets behind, they walked through the trees toward the low buildings set in a circle around what must have been a small square at one time.

  “This is where pack males come when they first shift.” He looked around, wistfulness on his face. “We don’t actually shift here, but this is the starting place for the trek up the mountain.” He pointed toward a high peak. “We hike up to a camp at the base of the summit, and that’s where the magic happens.”


  Eli pivoted at the stranger’s voice. His entire stance changed, going from relaxed to intense.

  “What are you doing here?”

  Mikki turned, and her stomach dropped.


  Was he the alpha Eli talked about? Was that the reason for his backhanded proposal last night?

  “I could ask the same of you, Hunt. After all, I’m still the alpha of the Red Oak pack.”

  Eli nodded. “For about three more weeks. So tell me, how goes the search? Any luck on the marriage front or are you shackling yourself to that harridan I see you with in the society columns?”

  Nick hadn’t recognized her yet. Her hat and oversized sunglasses hid most of her face, and she was bundled to the max, but one small breeze and he’d catch her scent. It would be game over.


  “Jillian is toast. I dropped her the moment I met someone else. Someone real, and to be honest, I don’t care if I lose the alpha line. Losing the money will hurt, but I’ve got enough put by and enough businesses of my own not to worry. I’m not rushing this girl. She’s the one. My wolf recognized her immediately. So, take your birthright back, EJ, and Godspeed.”

  EJ? That’s what Terrence called him at the skating rink. Eli and Nick were not only pack brothers, technically they were the alpha and the omega.

  Holy shit.

  “I’m happy for you, Nicky Nick. Lady luck must be smiling on us both, because I met a girl recently and feel exactly the same way. My wolf knew her the second we met, even more so after—” He winked. “Well, a gentleman doesn’t kiss and tell.”

  Mikki cringed and in that moment the wind picked up. As if on cue, Nick turned, and his eyes homed in on her.

  “Mikki?” he asked, incredulous.

  She reached up and pulled her sunglasses from her nose. “Guilty.”

  Nick’s eyes flew to Eli and back again. “Wait, you two know each other?”

  “Of course, we know each other. Mikki is my girlfriend.” Nonplussed, EJ looked at each of them. “What’s going on here?”

  “Your girlfriend? Mikki and I have been dating for the past week. She’s mine. My wolf recognized her as my mate from the first time we—” Nick’s words cut. “Wait, did you sleep with EJ as well?”

  “No! Of course, not…well, not technically,” Mikki sputtered.

  Eli’s brows knotted instantly, and his fists clenched. He took a step closer to Nick. “Are you telling me that you had sex with Mikki?”

  The air vibrated around them, and a swath of heat surged between he two men, causing the snow to fall from nearby branches.

  “Stop this! Technically, I didn’t have sex with either of you. Yes, we got physical, but I didn’t know you two knew each other. We met literally one day apart.”

  “Keep the alpha lineage, Hunt. Mikki is mine!” Nick ignored her completely, and from the look on EJ’s face, likewise.

  “This is nuts. Can’t we grab a drink and talk?”

  “Ha! Get ready to lose, Stanton. I’m taking back what was mine and keeping what is mine, most definitely. My wolf claimed Mikki in spirit. She belongs with the alpha!”

  “True! And since I am the alpha, you lose all the way around! Your great-grandfather lost the Red Oak Pack fair and square. You no longer have a claim!”

  “Claimed me?” Mikki’s anger spiked and she plucked up enough courage to shove Eli’s shoulder. “Hey! Apartment Dude.” She waved her hands wildly. Remember me? Well, I’ve got news for you.” She tossed an angry glance at Nick, as well. “I go where I want, with whom I want, and you two mongrels don’t get to fight over me like I’m a fresh kill! Nobody. Claims. Me!”

  “Mikki, you’re misreading what I said, now back away before you get hurt. Besides, I don’t need a claim. Tick, tock, Nick, or did you suddenly forget you have to mate?”

  “You’re both Neanderthals! You want me to step back, but you’re willing to rip each other’s heads off because I couldn’t choose between you?”

  That got their attention.

  “That’s right.” She eyed them both. “This whole mess is my fault because I fell for BOTH of you! Torn between two lovers, and right now I’m definitely feeling like a fool.” She exhaled, hoping she reached them. “Can’t you see what you’re doing solves nothing?”

  A loud growl left Eli’s throat, and the air grew thick with danger and testosterone. Both men circled each other with even more intent. Her words didn’t stop a thing. They only made things worse.

  “I hear you, Mikki, and we’ll talk about this later. Right now this is between me and EJ. It’s been long coming, so do me a favor and stay back.” Nick’s eyes never left Eli’s face.

  Eli’s face was severe. “Yes, love. Do stay back. Fur is about to fly, unless my omega decides to do the right thing and stand down.”

  Nick snorted. “Fat chance.”

  “Mikki, did lover-boy forget to tell you about his father’s will? He has to formally claim a mate before he turns thirty, or he loses everything. Too bad time runs out in exactly three weeks.”

  “You both mentioned mates, and I distinctly remember being the focus of each conversation. How can both your wolves claim me, recognize me, whatever, if I’m the real deal? I think you’ve got your wires crossed and now I’m caught in the shifter crossfire.”

  “EJ is usually a decent guy, but did he pursue you because his spies told him sparks flew between us when we met? Maybe he was afraid he’d lose his opportunity to grab the alpha line. You said you met us a day apart. How did you two happen to run into each other?”

  Mikki frowned, not liking where Nick
was going. “Eli stopped by my bookshop with a letter from my new landlord.

  “A letter,” Nick repeated, nodding. “How convenient. Did you happen to read the letter? Did EJ show it to you?”

  She spared a glance for Eli, but had to shake her head no. “I only saw it in his hand. It had the landlord’s logo on the envelope.”

  “Exactly. So, the question begs, was your meeting coincidence or calculation? My only sin was a rash, backhanded proposal that I walked back.” Nick’s eyes burned as he stared at Eli. “What’s your sin, Hunt? “

  “I don’t have one.” Eli threw a hand in the air. “I can’t believe I told Mikki you and I could have been friends if things were different. Mikki and I had a connection. A real connection.” He looked at her, his eyes on fire. “Tell him. You know I’m right. Tell him about Friday night.”

  Nick flexed his hands. “Go ahead, Mikki. Tell me. But while you’re at it, tell EJ about our connection. How your inner cat purred with a simple kiss. About connecting in a shifter mind share, and how I curled your toes when we—”

  “Fuck you, Nick!” Eli took a step forward. “What you had was nothing! Same as what you’ll have in less than a month, so checkmate!”

  Mikki screamed, and both men jerked their eyes to her. “Checkmate, Eli?” She exhaled, stunned. “Is this a game to you? You, too, Nick?” Her voice rose two octaves in the cold quiet, and she stormed between them. “It’s not game over until one of you captures the queen, and I’m NOT surrendering! Dial this back, NOW!”

  Neither replied, but their silence wasn’t an indication they heard a word she said. The posturing stopped, and the air between the two alpha males had stilled to deadly.

  “So, Hunt.” Nick spread his arms. “It’s come to this. again. Right here, right now. Blood Challenge 2.0. Hunt versus Stanton.”

  Mikki’s eyes went wide as the air sizzled with raw power. Tiny arcs of electricity-charged atmosphere crackled as the men circled again. The air snapped, making her hair stand on end. This was nuts! These two morons were about to kill each other over HER!

  “No!” She put her arms out. “Please! Don’t do this! It’s not worth one of you being hurt. We can talk this through. There has to be ANOTHER WAY!”