Torn Between Two Alphas: Howls Romance Read online

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  “Trust you. With what?”

  “Some of your time, perhaps?”

  “My time?” She cringed, knowing she sounded like a poorly trained parrot.

  “Have dinner with me, Mikki.”

  She opened her mouth to reply, but he laid a soft, gloved finger over her lips and her insides went nuts.

  “Don’t say no.” He ripped a corner of the paper bag and then reached for a pen in his pocket. “Write down your address, and I’ll pick you up at seven tonight.”

  Mikki’s pulse raced even more. It was on the tip of her tongue to say no, especially after her afternoon with Nick, but Eli’s smell and his mischievous smile made her mouth water.

  Totally better than donuts.

  Shut up.

  And with Nick there was still the matter of his girlfriend, complicated or not.

  Taking Eli’s pen from his hand, she scribbled down her address and cell number. “Sure, why not?”

  Chapter Nine

  “That took longer than expected. Is our new neighbor a plant for the new landlord? Or just the first of Gen-W-H-Y to arrive ahead of the pack?” Mel rattled off her questions before Mikki shrugged out of her coat.

  “Gen-W-H-Y?” Mikki replied, stuffing her gloves into her sleeve. “That’s a new one.”

  “Yeah. Generation Why not, because we’re entitled.” Carmela’s lip curled in a soft grin. “I would call them Crotch Squatters, but I’m trying to be polite.”

  Laughing, Mikki hung up her coat. “My Spidey senses are a little rusty, Mel, so I can’t answer your questions. Remember, I’m not exactly the poster child for shifter abilities, thanks to my family. Still, whatever else he may be, Eli’s not deceitful. That much I can say for sure. Plus, he said point blank he didn’t work for the new landlord.”

  “Not deceitful. Okay, we can work with that.” Mel pursed her lips. “Does that vote of confidence include lies of omission, because some lawyer’s office called while you were out. Said they want you to call back.”

  “Was it the new landlord?” Mikki asked, humor dissipating.

  “They didn’t say.”

  “And you didn’t ask? What was the name of the firm?” Mikki hurried toward the register and the phone message Carmela held out toward her.

  “I was juggling three customers when they called. All I know is they said it was important and for you to call back.”

  She took the message from Mel’s hand and glanced at the number before doing an about face for her coat to fish for the number Nick gave her the day before.

  She frowned. Nope. Not a match. That left the new landlord’s attorney or someone else completely.

  Maybe Eli already called his landlord buddy to get the ball rolling. Or maybe her senses were off, and he was full of shit and just looking for information. A rat for a big cheese.

  She shook her head. The same gut instinct she had about Nick was the exact same feeling she had with Eli. Honest, if not one hundred percent forthcoming.

  Funny how her body reacted toward them both. Maybe it was because of her sexual dry spell, but for whatever reason her body hummed with visceral want. Like a magnet. Push and pull. If she was the type to juggle guys, she could date them both. They both seemed interested, so why not?

  She frowned again. The question wasn’t why not.

  It was why?

  Maybe Nick and Eli were both in real estate, and their clients were bidding against each other. Maybe they figured since she was part of the neighborhood from the beginning, they could get a leg up on negotiations. Zoning issues. Problems with the buildings or complaints and gossip from other shop owners.

  Fuck. That had to be it.

  Two hotter than hell shifters don’t just fall into your lap one after the other. What if neither meeting was a coincidence?

  You know that’s not true. Whatever they’re not saying, it has nothing to do with attraction.

  And why should I believe that?

  Because your inner animal doesn’t lie.

  Gut feeling or not, she wasn’t about to be played. Trust but verify. The two men were honest for the most part, but she’d find out what each was holding back.

  Mikki dialed the number Carmela scribbled. “Hi, yes. I’m returning a call from your office. My name is Mikki Townsend, and I believe the call was regarding my property on Little West 12th Street.”

  She made a face, listening. “Really. I’m sorry for the mix-up, then.” She tilted the phone between her chin and her neck, jotting something on the back of the original phone message. “Okay. Thanks. I’ll try that.”

  Mikki hung up, keeping her hand on the phone cradle for a moment.

  “What did they say?”

  Chewing on her lip, Mikki shook her head. “That was a law office answering service. The woman said there was no record of an outgoing call this morning.”

  Mikki gestured with the scrap of paper. “She gave me an alternate number for an exchange that handles their overflow, but she thinks I probably dialed a wrong number.” She stared at Mel’s scribble. “Are you sure you took down the right number?”

  “Yes…” She shrugged. “At least I think so. Like I said, we were busy.”

  Mikki folded the paper and stuck it under the paperweight beside the register. “Wrong number or not, we don’t have time to chase shadows.”

  “I’m sorry if I wrote down the wrong number, Miks. It wasn’t on purpose.”

  She smiled at her friend. “I know that. And I’m sorry I was gone so long.” Exhaling a breath, she turned for the ladder and what she was doing before Eli came in. “Whoever it was, I’m sure they’ll call back.”

  “Who do you think called? The new landlord’s lawyer, or do you think it was the referral from Zoo-Guy?”

  Mikki smirked. “Zoo-Guy’s name is Nick.”


  She laughed, rearranging books on the higher shelf. “My bet is the new landlord’s attorney.”

  “Miks, did you check the number I wrote down against both numbers on this napkin?”

  She looked down from the ladder at Carmela holding Nick’s note against the message she took.

  “The number I gave you is the same as the number Zoo-Guy gave you for his lawyer.” She held both notes out.

  “Nick… His name is Nick.”

  “Yes. Nick. Jeez, did you freeze all your brain cells out there or did Apartment-Guy scramble what was left.”


  “Whatever! Mikki, the number the same.”

  “No, Mel. Can’t be.”

  “You dialed the wrong number, Miks. It happens.”

  Climbing down from the ladder, she took both notes from Mel’s hand. “But I checked.”

  “Yes, but you were also rushing. Call again.”

  “Wait. How did Nick’s attorney know how to find me when I never gave Nick my last name or my address?”

  Carmela lifted one hand. “The internet is a wild and woolly beast, Miks. Maybe this guy Nick followed your cab home. Maybe he’s a world class stalker. Or maybe you don’t remember giving him details he was able to put together. Who knows? Just call the attorney back. This is not a gift you send back.”

  “I don’t even know Nick’s last name. I’ll sound like a bimbo.”

  Carmela picked up the phone and handed Mikki the receiver. “Call his lawyer before I crawl out of my skin.”

  Mikki held the napkin note in a vise grip before taking the phone from Mel’s hand. Dialing, she held her breath as it rang.

  “Law office of Marcus Styles. May I help you?”

  “Hi…my name is Mikki Townsend, I was referred to Mr. Styles by Nick—” she paused, but before she could stumble over not knowing Nick’s surname, the receptionist interrupted.

  “Yes, I was told you might call. Mr. Styles is out of the office on business until next Wednesday. He asks that you send over all pertinent documentation, including your current lease and any correspondence from both your old landlord and the new management company. He said he�
�d be in touch once he was back in the office and had a chance to review your paperwork.”

  “Oh, okay. Great. Where should I send the files?”

  “555 Central Park West. Suite 501. Mark them, Attention: Carol. That’s me. I’ll see they get placed on Mr. Styles’ desk.”

  Mikki gestured for a pen, making a face for Mel to hurry up. “Thank you, Carol,” she replied, taking down the information. I’ll get the documents over to him as soon as I can. Please tell Mr. Styles thank you…yes, right. I will.”

  Mikki hung up with a stunned laugh. “Damn. I guess Nick wasn’t playing.”

  “You should have asked her for Nick’s last name. We could do our own internet search and get all the dirt we want on his girlfriend.” Mel nudged Mikki’s arm. “Call Nick. You have his personal number. Call, if only to thank him for setting things up with his lawyer like he promised.”

  “He didn’t promise anything, Mel.” She chewed her lip, but a satisfied smirk toyed at the corner. “Still, it’s nice to know he means what he says and says what he means.”

  Like how there’s no one he’d rather spend time with?


  Maybe you can share that tidbit with Eli tonight.

  Haven’t I told you to shut up?

  “So call him”

  “Not yet. I need to feel out the situation.”

  “Feel out the situation or feel out him?”

  Mikki leaned against the counter, her fingers toying with the pen in her hand. “Either this is an unbelievable turn of events, or the universe is playing a cruel joke. I’ve got two hotter than hell shifters vying for my attention, and both offering help with lawyers. In my experience, if it seems too good to be true, it usually is too good to be true.”

  “Not bad for a random Friday afternoon that would normally lead to Netflix and takeout Chinese eaten right from the carton.”

  Mikki put the pen down with a dull bang. “Not funny, Mel, considering you’re usually curled up on the couch with me. You even have your own personal chopsticks at my apartment.”


  “You know I need to find out about these guys, one way or the other. Otherwise my imagination will get the best of me, and I don’t mean in a self-satisfying way. If you get my drift.”

  “Oh, I get your meaning loud and clear. I have news for you, Miks. Both men are vying for way more than your affection or dibs on information. They’re vying for you, girlfriend. And why not? You never give yourself credit for being attractive and fun. You deserve to be wooed and pursued.”

  “Maybe, but for some reason I feel tracked. As in tracked down.”

  “Well, that’s part of it. Zoo-Guy had his lawyer track you down, and even though it’s a welcome fringe benefit considering our landlord situation, it’s still because he wants you. As for your doom and gloom imagination—I know you Mikki. Your imagination has no choice but to lend itself to self-satisfaction when it comes to these two guys. Regardless of whatever despicable intent you dream up. They’re too hot for you not to. Who doesn’t love a sexy as sin fantasy?”

  “You’re right.” Mikki smirked softly. “When it rains in the Mohave, it pours, and I can’t wait to get absolutely soaking wet.” She laughed at her own joke. “There’s a song in there somewhere, I think.”

  “Okay, who are you and what have you done with my best friend?”

  “Ha. Now, are you going to help me figure this out or just nag? Eli is picking me up for dinner at seven, so I better call Nick and make plans with him for some time this weekend. I want to know what each wants and what each is hiding, and the only way to do that is to put myself out there.”

  “Yeah, putting out. You could use a little of that too, Miks, but will you stop referring to dating as a chess strategy? You’re taking the fun out of it.”

  “Not chess, Girlfriend. Magnets. Push and pull.”

  Chapter Ten

  Mikki stood in front of her closet, staring at the clothes hanging from the rod against the wall.

  “Do you know where he’s taking you?” Mel asked from her perch on the bed.

  “No. I mean he said dinner, but that could mean anything.”

  “He took you for a dirty water dog this afternoon. I don’t think you’re headed for the Ritz,” she said, crunching popcorn from the bowl on her lap.

  Mikki eyed her from over her shoulder. “Do you have to do that? Do you know how many times I rolled over on crumbs or seeds or whatever health nut is your fancy du jour?”

  Ignoring her comment about her trail of crumbs meant Carmela was planning to crash for the night. She smirked to herself at how transparent she could be sometimes. She was staying over so Eli wouldn’t. Not that she had any plans for a him to do so, and if her shifter libido got the best of her, they could always go to his place. After all, it was around the corner from the shop.

  “Just wear black leggings and a nice blouse. You can always dress that up or down depending on what he’s wearing when he gets here.”

  “I hate the way I look in leggings.” She pursed her lips. I’ll wear a skirt.”

  Mel put the popcorn bowl aside and slid off the bed. “Fine. Wear it with these.” She pushed past Mikki to grab a box hidden under two pairs of sneakers and a pair of crocs.

  “Mel. Come on. No.”

  Her held the box out. “I’m not taking no for an answer. You’ll kill in these.”

  Mikki took the box with a small huff and turned with a soft robe swish toward the bed. “I’ll kill all right. Kill myself when I try to walk. I’d like to have this date go without ending up a damsel in foot distress.”

  She pulled the cover from the boot box and lifted the sleek black knee-length leather. They were polished to a high sheen, despite being in a box covered in dust.

  “See? They’re perfect. Now all you need is that emerald green cold-shoulder blouse and you’re set. With your red hair, Eli doesn’t stand a chance.”

  “Cold-shoulder? It’s February, Mel. Valentine’s Day is in ten days. Between that and thin tights under my skirt, I’ll freeze my ample ass off.” She shook her head and turned for her sweater drawer. “I don’t usually feel the cold like most, but that’s pushing it.”

  “I’ll give the boots a shot, but I’m putting a pair of silky toes in my purse just in case.”

  “Miks, no. Those collapsible flats are ugly.”

  “Comfort is my island, and I’m it’s queen.” She stuck her tongue out.

  “Fine. Just promise me you’ll keep the boots on as long as you can stand it. If Eli is best buds with the new landlord, we want to keep him happy tonight. Or until we get a reasonable lease agreement out of the deal.”

  “Carmela DeVito, do you think I’m looking to do Eli, so he’ll do for me?” Mikki turned, a little stunned.

  “No. I didn’t mean it that way, and you know it. Just be pleasant. Neighborly.” She winked.

  Mikki shook her head, digging in her sweater drawer for a cropped black and white knit with bell sleeves.

  “That’ll be perfect with your black knit skirt.” Mel nodded. “Add some silver jewelry, and you’re all set.”

  The doorbell rang, and Mikki glanced at the clock on her nightstand. “That’ll be Eli. Right on time.”

  “I’ll get it. You finish getting dressed.”

  “Don’t, Mel.” Mikki eyed her friend. “I mean it.”

  Mel opened the bedroom door with a grin. “Why, Mikki, I have no idea what you mean.”

  “Yeah, yeah. The topic of his landlord buddy is off-limits. If he brings it up tonight, I’ll deal with it. Okay?”

  Closing the door behind her, Mel didn’t reply, but Mikki knew she made her point clear enough. Her friend had her pushy moments, but she wasn’t stupid.

  Other than her father and brother, Mikki had zero experience with shifter men. The men in her family seemed ordinary compared to Nick and Eli. Then again, her family was so far removed from their dual-natures, perhaps that was the reason. That and the fact none of them had
any contact with a pack or a clan since she was very small. Those memories were blurred at best, but Mikki couldn’t shake the feeling there was something familiar about both men.

  Maybe that was the way male shifters were supposed to be around available females. Animals in rut, only in human form. Men in tune with their inner animal and the visceral need that went with the package.


  Yeah, she wondered about that, too.

  You know, big hands, big feet, big—

  Mikki gave her head a subtle shake. Maybe both Eli and Nick were just serious flirts. They were hotter than hell, with yes that saw through a woman’s defenses straight to her panties. Maybe it was that simple and she was adding mystique to the fact they both happen to be shifters. Like her.

  Either way, she’d soon find out. Eli tonight. Nick tomorrow. And the weekend was still up for grabs.

  She grinned to herself.

  Shifter slut.

  Her inner voice chuckled at the back of her mind, but this time she didn’t argue. Her subconscious was right. Not about her being a slut, but about being dual-natured. She was shifter, so her attractions were bound to be amplified like every other sense. So why not go for it and see?

  Mikki slipped her feet into her skirt and then shrugged into the cropped sweater, smoothing her hands over her hips. She slipped on the high boots and turned in the mirror to look at herself from all sides. Thank God for thong underwear.

  She wasn’t fat, but she wasn’t thin either. What was it that comic said? In New York I’m pleasantly plump, but in California I’m a beached whale. Mikki blew out a breath and fluffed her red curls before reaching for her eyeliner to touch up the corners.

  Auburn hair and light brown eyes. Long lashes and smooth skin. Fat don’t crack, so screw you Hollywood. She smiled at herself, giving one last turn in the mirror.

  “Let’s hope Eli feels the same way,” she murmured, grabbing her purse before heading out the bedroom door.


  “You really look great.” Eli said holding open the passenger door to his car.

  Mikki pulled her infinity scarf tighter, self-conscious about her skirt. “You rented a car?”